
Having an array of modalities means having exactly the right tool to offer my clients for their situation.

Having an array of modalities means having exactly the right tool to offer my clients for their situation.

My coaching is multidimensional, not limited to a single methodology.


Peter knits together an array of experiences. He’s able to take metaphysical concepts, process them like an engineer, then spit 'em out in a way that makes sense. It’s stealth ninja stuff, and it means that we don’t get stuck.

– Emil Swartling, Cloud Strategist at Amazon Web Services, Seattle, WA

When I first saw a demo of coaching, it was utter magic to me. As Arthur C. Clarke says, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” 

In front of a live audience, Mai Vu – who would become my first coaching trainer – guided a sample client through a profound breakthrough in her love life and her entire identity in just 15 minutes.

At the time, I was working as a design consultant and was feeling increasingly burned out. When I saw Mai work, it ignited a desire in me to learn and master whatever magic she was performing. I followed this passion into a new profession.

As an avid learner, I never stopped learning. I continued to absorb one modality after the next, applying it in my own life and with my clients, then discovering the next frontier that seemed like magic until I learned it and reverse-engineered it.

Of course, I also used what I had learned before becoming a coach and other life experiences I was having as I was learning to coach. I could bring it all to create ever more powerful results for my clients in a uniquely Peter way.

When I coach now, I'm simultaneously looking through all of the following lenses – and many more – to offer the insight you need in a situation to see things in a whole new way.

The way I seamlessly weave these modalities together is the secret behind the extraordinary results I get with clients and the depth and enjoyment of the journey we take together.

Modalities I’m formally trained and certified in:

Modalities I’ve studied:


I believe Peter gets such incredible results because of his extremely unique background (mechanical engineer trained in 8+ modalities) coupled with his deep level of care for his clients. Because of this, I’m convinced that there’s no one whose life he can’t greatly improve.

– Chris Ford, Real Estate Entrepreneur, Oakland, CA